Butt expansion animates Dig Dug’s tail: Tail-Blazer. Dig Dug’s tail animates with expanded butt: Tail-Blazer. Animation adds size to Dig Dug’s behind: Tail-Blazer.

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Deep Dive into Tail-Blazer’s Buttocks Expansion Animation: A X-Rated Journey

Hey there, filthy friends! pretend you’re joining me for a naughty, kink-filled and X-rated adventure, dive deep into the mesmerizing world of Dig Dug Booty Expansion Animation – Tail-Blazer. A loving tribute to the 80s arcade favorite, this naughty little number is tailor-made for us insatiable quickie addicts with an appetite for the extra-large. Gather ’round, as we take a juicy bite of this animated buttocks feast. Each frame beats with the pulsating rhythm of desire, commanding our full attention. So, without further ado, let’s get our grubby paws on the handles and burrow in. Bubble buttocks, inflation and bottom expansion fanatics, brace yourselves for a luscious ride. With every breath, Tail-Blazer’s: glorious derrière expands and unfurls before us like a gigantic, buxom peach. Each butt litter that emerges, inflates, and explodes to uncover a wider, mesmerizing expanse. And you know what we love most about it? That’s right, boys and girls, facesitting! How about that, you filthy animals? As the bubbly, jiggling assets mountain unfolds, we’re treated to a stunning display of asses stifling, dominating faces. A testament to the dignity of asset for mature audiences, facesitting is the juicy cherry on top of this kinky sundae. As the smooth expansion animation builds, every cell in our bodies is on fire. Feel the intoxicating mixture of wetness and tension building, as if air itself is being sucked right out of us, replaced by the all-consuming desire to submit. Can you feel it? But wait, dear friends, our journey doesn’t end here. Oh no, to fully indulge in the depravity of Tail-Blazer’s ass adventures, we must dive deeper still. This, my friends, is more than just an animation. It’s a eager expression of the darker fantasies that lie within, cultivated for our maturing, filthy pleasures. So, come on, grab a front-row seat, and let’s feast our eyes on Dig Dug’s Assets Expansion, oh so beautifully brought to life in Tail-Blazer. Remember, we’re all friends here, but this post is for our more mature, open-minded audience. So feel unbridle to joke, share, or delve deeper into your own x-rated imaginations in the comments below. But for now, sit back, relax, and let yourself be consumed by the intoxicating allure of Tail-Blazer’s butt-blowing animation. Enjoy, you perverted little lovelies! <3

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