Hospital nurses examined my penis for two days.

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Nasty Day Two: Hospital Nurses & Freetraining Exhibitionism

(This post is for mature audiences only, containing explicit descriptions of explicit adult content. Buckle up, filthy minds, ’cause we’re diving into some serious kink, fascinated by the thrill of the exposed and the massage-gloved hands of healthcare professionals.

Day 2: Scrutinizing My Dirty Dick in Public

Oh, my god, Day Two brought some fresh smells and creaky old bedsheets to my day. I guess they call it a “dirty old man” for a reason, huh? So picture this: I’m laid bare in a hospital gown, wheeled into a crowded room full of Asian nurses wearing uniforms so tight, their cheeks blush deeper than a ripe peach. Naughty, naughty. My junk didn’t stand a chance once those professional eyes scrutinized my swollen manhood. Those nurses, those luscious Milfs, their hands all over my (now aching) body. They prodded, they poked, they got right in there, scrutinizing every inch of my naked flesh. The doctor swooped in, checking my records on a clipboard with a smirk, eyeing me up and down, prowling for an opening to join the fun. But it wasn’t all nurse on patient love, no sirree. The kinky and the naughty certainly do love a good threesome. So, before I knew it, I’d caught sight of a sultry MILF glancing longingly at a younger, eager nurse. The room filled with a buzz of anticipation, and before I knew it – boots and panties were flying off; bodies intertwining, skin against skin. Now that’s what I call a rounded asset massage, complete with a public dick flash. Me, the naked, aching exhibitionist at the heart of it all. I lay there with tears in my eyes, sweat pouring down my forehead as those beautiful, naughty women took turns devouring me. But it wasn’t over. Not by a long shot. In the middle of this filthy, incredible chaos, I couldn’t help but think – what if it all happened outdoors? The thought ignited a fire within, a need to share my exhibitionistic tendencies with the world. Let the breeze carry the scent of our forbidden lust into the public eye. Suddenly, doors flew open. The room was empty – just me and my quivering ladies. What do we have here? A chance chat in the most unexpected place: the hospital. But not for the faint-hearted. No, this was the safe haven for the most twisted and wicked perverts like me, who live for the thrill of being caught naked in public, exposed and ready for the world to devour. There’s nothing better than the taboo of public encounter, but the twist of it being in a hospital? That, my friends, is a hell of a turn-on. And now, Day Two in my nursing-filled fantasy life has me longer and harder than I’ve ever been before. Aren’t you dying to know what Day Three has in store?

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