Long intern intercourse concludes with anal seeding.

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All Internal Long asset fuck ends in anal creampie [15 min] Warning! Explicit Content Ahead! This post is for mature audiences only.

Anal Intern Extravaganza: The Long Ride to Seeding

Setting the Stage

The office was empty, save for our two bodies, the dim lights casting elusive shadows on our fiery dance. My intern, a fresh-faced beauty, was fiery, ready to explore the forbidden territories of her desires. Little did she know, tonight was the night she’d be initiated into the world of anal creampie.

The Slow Burn

I teased her, tracing the curve of her hip with my fingers, feeling the goosebumps rise under my touch. Her breathing quickened, a sweet symphony of anticipation. I trailed my fingers lower, pushing aside her thong, exposing her quivering backdoor. I leaned in, my tongue tracing the seam of her asset, eliciting a soft whimper from her lips.

Deep Penetration

I eased myself into her, her walls clenching around me like a vice. She gasped, her hands gripping the desk for support. I slowed down, savoring the feel of her tight, warm embrace. Each slow thrust sent shivers down my spine, and I knew I was losing myself in her.

The Climax: Anal Seeding

My pace picked up, the rhythm of our bodies slapping together growing more frantic. Her moans filled the room, a testament to the affair coursing through her veins. I could feel the orgasm building within me, the pressure in my loins growing unbearable. With a final, powerful thrust, I gave in, filling her with my seed.

The Afterglow

She collapsed, her body limp against mine. I remained still, savoring the feeling of our intertwined bodies. The room was silent save for the sound of our ragged breaths. We lay there for what felt like an eternity, basking in the afterglow of our passionate brush.

The End of the Beginning

As I pulled out, I couldn’t help but smile. She was mine, and I was hers. This was just the beginning of our forbidden pleasure, a testament to our insatiable lust. But for now, we lay entwined, our hearts beating in sync, our bodies glowing with the remnants of our passion. Remember, this post is for adults only. If you’re not of legal age, or if explicit content offends you, kindly navigate away. Enjoy!

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