Post-orgasm, cervix throbs; heart beats rapidly.

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Deep Throbbing Cervix Pleasures: A Giantess’s Delight

Warning: This post is strictly for mature audiences with an advanced fetish palate. Have you ever imagined yourself at the mercy of a colossal She-Godess, whose every desire sets your body ablaze? Picture this: with her towering figure looming over you, she savors the sight of your trembling form prostrate before her. Her overwhelming presence dissolves every boundary, and your mind spirals into a realm of unrelenting eroticism. Her insatiable curiosity piques as she studies your vulnerable frame, her eyes locked on your most feminine parts. As the tides of lust ebb and flow through her, she feels an irresistible urge to explore the depths of your womanhood. With a single touch, she sets off a chain reaction of uncontrollable ecstasy.

Throbbing Cervix and Me

The moment her fingers make contact with your cervix, an electrifying charge shoots through your entire being. Your eyes roll back, your breath hitches, and a primal scream erupts from your lungs. But she’s not finished with you yet. With each stroke, the pulse in your cervix intensifies, growing more powerful with every passing second. It’s a euphoric sensation unlike any other – a wave of liquid adventure crashing against the shores of your consciousness. Your heart races in time with your gratification, each throb in your pneumatic mirrored by the throbbing in your core.

Vore, Shrinking Fetish, and Impregnation

* But this Goddess is not one for subtleties. She demands more than just pleasurable sensations. As you wallow in the throes of your orgasm, she swallows you whole. You’re engulfed by her insatiable mouth, consumed by her immense appetite. *Your body shrinks, leaving you vulnerable to her every whim. She grows larger, her looming presence crushing you under her weight. In this moment, you are nothing but a mere spec in her vast landscape. And yet, there’s a strange allure to being claimed so completely, to giving yourself over to her mercy and domination. It’s a shattering of self and an intoxicating embrace of otherness – a Vore’s Delight. Her words become a soft whisper in your ear as she gradually undresses herself, revealing her buxom figure. With big breaths and a wicked smile, she climbs on top of you – poised to claim the ultimate prize: your surrender. Her shrinking fetish satisfies her, as you become smaller and more vulnerable beneath her. And she takes you in deep, impregnating you with her offerings

Unbirth: A Nick of Time

* Now, bound by the strands of their unspoken bond, she holds you in her caring embrace, cradling your semi-conscious form. But the Goddess is not cruel; she knows of the discomfort that comes with taking the fruits of your love and birthing them unto the world. And with a flick of her wrist, she performs an Unbirth, releasing your spirit from the physical plane. As your being slips away, you are coated in a warm, luminous embrace. Your heart reaches out for just one last beat, echoing the cervix throbbing that once set you ablaze. And though the flame of passion may have waned, the memory of her divine touch remains forever etched in your mind. With that, you fade into the unknown, leaving behind a trail of pure bliss and a promise of reunion in the spiritual realm. For now, you are but a droplet in the vast ocean of existence – a mere blip in the greater scheme of things. But who knows what the Goddess might conjure up next? [The end] Do not indulge in this fantastical tale without a healthy dose of consent and a partner who shares your kinks and desires. After all, it’s not just about the throbbing cervix or the illusion of being consumed – it’s about joining forces with another and diving into the infinite ocean of shared passion. So, be sure to find someone who’ll ride the waves with you.

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