Santa, Grinch co-pilot train for curvaceous black woman.

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Santa, Grinch co-pilot train for curvaceous black woman. [1:26]. Stadding: Ny Ny Lew

For Mature Audiences Only: A Naughty Holiday Fanfic

Alright, you naughty little elves, it’s time for a tale that will make your stockings tingle. Picture this: Santa and The Grinch, two holiday icons with a thirst for something more than just milk and cookies. And what better way to celebrate the season than with a big, beautiful, black Milf who just so happens to have a rear that could make even the most experienced reindeer blush.

Santa, always the one to take charge, decided to make the first move. He couldn’t help but be drawn in by the Milf’s curves, her ample figure making him feel things he never thought possible. He approached her, his eyes locked on her shapely derriere, and whispered in her ear, “Ho ho ho, baby, I’ve been very good this year.”

The Milf smiled, her full lips curling up in a seductive grin. She turned to face Santa, her thick thighs brushing against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “And I’ve been very naughty,” she purred, her deep voice making Santa’s heart race.

Meanwhile, The Grinch couldn’t help but feel left out. He had always had a thing for thicc booties, and this Milf’s was no exception. He decided to join in on the fun, sneaking up behind the Milf and running his hands over her juicy bottom. “Looks like I’m not the only one who’s been naughty,” he growled, his rough voice making the Milf shiver with anticipation.

Santa and The Grinch took turns worshipping the Milf’s bottom, their hands and tongues exploring every inch of her thick, round booty. She moaned and writhed, her curvy body moving in time with their touches. It wasn’t long before she was begging for more, her moans filling the air as she begged for them to take her.

And so, Santa and The Grinch did just that. They ran a train on the Milf, their hard cocks sliding in and out of her tight pussy as she screamed in adventure. They took turns fucking her, their balls slapping against her assets as they thrust deeper and deeper. And through it all, the Milf’s plump, beautiful rear jiggled and bounced, a sight that would make any Grinch’s heart grow three sizes.

In the end, they all collapsed in a heap of sweat and satisfaction. Santa and The Grinch had never felt so alive, and the Milf had never been so well-fucked. It was a holiday tale like no other, one that would be remembered for years to come. So if you’re feeling naughty this holiday season, take a page from Santa and The Grinch’s book and find yourself a buxom ass Milf to run a train on. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

Disclaimer: This post is intended for mature audiences only and contains explicit language and sexual content. Please use discretion when reading and sharing.

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