Sister laments clothes requirement at home.

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Fucking suddenly, the house was not big enough for me. My lustful thoughts were consumed by just one thing: my sexy step-sister. Her rounded body was always on my mind, and it felt like a raging inferno in my loins. I longed for her irresistible curves, and I couldn’t help but fantasize about kissing those full and juicy lips. But it wasn’t just her mouth that had me hard as a rock. Breathing voluptuous, I thought about sinking my tongue into those huge`, perfectly round milkers. I craved the sensation of her nipples in my hands, their erect peaks poking me persistently. And God, I couldn’t wait to plunge my cock into her wet and inviting pussy. But alas, every time I sought to satisfy my cravings, I was met with disappointment. My step-sister and her demure manners made it impossible for me to be myself in this house. I yearned for her to tease me, to taunt me, to flaunt her bodily delights. But instead, she went about her days as if I wasn’t even there. One day, in a fit of frustration, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I crept up to my step-sister’s room, shivering with excitement. The sweet scent of her arousal lingered in the air, arousing me even more. She was lying on her bed, her skirt bunched up around her waist, her blonde locks spread out on the pillow. I approached her silently, thirsty for that first taste of her juicy, toothy pussy (

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). I hovered over her, my heart racing. My hands trembled as I reached out to touch her, to stroke her, to caress her every inch. I leaned in closer, my breath driven and plump on her neck. “Sis,” I whispered, my voice hoarse with desire. “Let me taste you.” Without hesitation, she turned to face me, her eyes glinting with approval and lust. I parted her lips with my fingers, licking her clitoris with the flat of my tongue. I sucked and nibbled, making her moan and thrust against my mouth. But I knew I wanted more. I wanted to feel her around me, to own her in the most intimate way possible (

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). I climbed on top of her, my thrusts rough and hard. I grunted with each itätake, my body a kitchen of pure ecstasy. Devouring her whole, I couldn’t help but feel like this was exactly where I belonged. But the moment couldn’t last forever. My ejaculation was imminent, and I burst forth into her, a torrent of wild and thick cum filling her up. Our bodies quivered together, our breaths thicc with the ecstasy that raced through us. But even as the moment passed, I knew I couldn’t stay away for long. There was just something about my step-sister’s deprive curves, her irresistible lure, that kept me coming back for more. And I was determined to fill every wanton desire I had, no matter what it took. With a smirk, I got up and dressed, my mind already racing with the next encounter. I couldn’t stay naked in this house, not with her just a few rooms away. And so the cycle began anew, my obsession fueled by the thought of just one more taste of my coveted step-sister’s femdom temptation.

Step Sister: A Taboo Fantasy for Adults Only

Here’s a little reminder that this fantasy and the descriptions above may not be suitable for all audiences. It contains explicit and sexual content. And remember, always practice safe brush and respect the boundaries of others.

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