Teen nearly caught, soaked clit in bathroom. Parents close.

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Teen nearly caught, soaked clit in bathroom. Parents close. [19:09]

Listen up, you big clit connoisseur, I’ve got a story that’ll get your heart racing and your mind in the gutter.

Picture this: a squirting teen, curious about her own body, exploring in the privacy of her parents’ bathroom. She’s been reading up on the topic, eager to experience the elusive big clit orgasm that she’s heard so much about.

She locks the door, runs the water in the tub, and begins to touch herself. Her fingers find their way to her clit, and she starts to circle it gently. She’s already wet, but she adds some lube to make things slicker.

As she continues to touch herself, she feels a building pressure in her lower belly. She increases the pressure on her clit, and suddenly, she feels a warm gush of liquid spurt out of her. She’s shocked at first, but then she feels a rush of pleasure that she’s never experienced before. She keeps going, and each time she comes, more liquid spurts out of her.

Suddenly, she hears the door handle turn. Her heart races as she quickly turns off the water and grabs a towel. She unlocks the door, and her mom walks in. “Oh, there you are,” she says, oblivious to what her daughter had just been up to. The teen blushes, but inside, she’s thrilled. She knows she’s just discovered something amazing.

The Big Clit Orgasm: A Game Changer

For those of you who haven’t experienced it yet, let me tell you, the big clit orgasm is a game changer. It’s intense, it’s powerful, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. And the best part? It’s all thanks to that little nub of flesh that we all know and love.

So if you’re curious about squirting or big clit orgasms, don’t be afraid to explore. Get yourself some lube, find a quiet place, and let yourself go. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

And if you’re already a big clit pro, then keep doing what you’re doing. There’s nothing better than the feeling of pure pleasure that comes from knowing your body inside and out.

So there you have it, folks. A little story about a squirting teen and her big clit. I hope it got you hot and bothered and inspired you to explore your own body. And remember, this post is for adults only, so keep it between us.

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