Vet transformed into unwilling receptacle for cop’s semen.

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warning: this post is for adults only, mature audiences only, and not for the faint of heart. If you’re squeamish or easily offended, please move along. But if you’re in the mood for some kinky, unapologetic, hardcore smut, then strap in and prepare yourself for the heated ride that is the tale of the Cute Vet ROUGHED UP And Turned Into A Cum Dumpster.

The Scene

Imagine, if you will, a quaint little veterinary clinic tucked away in a secluded corner of town. The sun beats down on the rusted sign outside, casting an eerie shadow over the deserted parking lot. But that’s not what’s really important here. No, what’s really important is what goes on inside the four walls of that building.

Our Star

Our girl of the hour is a young, blonde vet, fresh out of school and full of idealistic notions about saving animals and making a difference in the world. She’s 18 years old and innocently naive, her chestnut brown eyes wide with curiosity and a little bit of fear as she goes about her daily business. But little does she know that her quiet, unassuming life is about to take a turn for the worse.

The Protagonist

Enter our protagonist, a gruff, burly, balding man, with a reputation for being a rough, domineering, and unapologetic kind of guy. He’s known around town as Mr. Fix-It, and when it comes to fixing things, he means business. But he’s got more than just a talent for mechanics and home repairs – he’s a certified brush addict, and whenever he sets his sights on a woman, he won’t rest until he’s had her.

The Encounter

One sunny afternoon, as the young vet goes about her chores, she can’t help but notice the loud pounding coming from the back of the clinic. She follows the sound to find Mr. Fix-It working on an old truck, his muscles bulging and his tongue trailing out the corner of his mouth in deep concentration. “Hey, there,” he grunts, not looking up. “Need some help?” The young vet hesitates, unsure whether to trust this stranger or not. But she’s curious, and before she knows it, she’s leaning over him, watching as his strong callouses graze against her sensitive skin as he gently guides her hands to hold the wrench.

The Seduction

As the days go by, Mr. Fix-It becomes more and more persistent. He’s all rough talk and heavy breathing, his fingertips tracing the curve of her hips every chance he gets. The young vet can’t help but respond to his bold advances, her heart racing at the thrill of the forbidden.

The Roughing Up

They sneak around derriere closed doors, their passionate passion leading them to explore new depths of adventure. But Mr. Fix-It is a master of the rough and raw, and soon their sessions take on a different tone. He tears away her scrubs, leaving her naked and exposed. He pulls her hair, pinches her nipples, and mutters dirty words.

The Doggystyle

They groan and moan as he pounds away at her from butt, their bodies slapping together with every thrust. Her eyes roll back as she reaches her climax, her body trembling with sensation.

The Creampie

As they reach their peak, Mr. Fix-It pulls out, leaving her limping and breathless as he pours himself deep inside her. Her pussy clenches around him, drawing out every last drop of his passionate, sticky cum.

The Aftermath

The young vet leaves the clinic feeling used and worn out, her innocence shattered and her body aching for more. But she knows that she’s been marked, and that there’s no going back. She’s become Mr. Fix-It’s nasty little encounter slave, a rizzo-haired, cum-covered, kinky, submissive who’s more than happy to take whatever he gives her. And every day, as she really gets off on the thought of his domineering presence_, she knows that she’s just another vet in need of a very special kind of fixing.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it – the tale of the Cute Vet ROUGHED UP And Turned Into A Cum Dumpster. If you’ve made it this far, I salute you. Now go forth and satisfy your own carnal desires.

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